
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002 | 5:26 P.M.

Monday Missions 2

1. So, have you been naughty or nice this year? Both? Gimme details!

I think I have been nice this year. There were times during the beginning of this year where I wasn�t very nice, but all in all, I was a good little boy.

2. Are there any Christmas television commercials that you look forward to each year?

I just remember they heresy bells one. I didn�t see any of the coca-cola polar bears, but I may have just missed them.

3. Are you the type that likes to know what you are getting as a present (do you rattle the boxes?) or do you like suprises?

I like surprises, though I kinda know what I will be getting.

4. Have you ever been scared of those "mall Santas?" Is there anything at "the mall" that does scare you?

Just the people sometimes, those at the kiasks are a bit pushy; so are those perfume girls�

5. We've talked about Holiday foods you love, so what holiday foods do you hate?

There isn�t many foods that I do not like�so find me one.

6. Have you ever forgotten to buy someone a gift? How did that situation play out?


7. Describe (or post a pic of) the tackiest holiday yard decorations you've ever seen?

I would rather not�

Bonus: Can the people on TV see me or am I just paranoid?

Today's Comment Question: What was your best! present! ever!??

The next present I get.

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