
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005 | 7:04 P.M.

Stuck at the airport - Don't you love it!!

Yeah. I'm stuck at the airport here in glorious Little Rock, AR - the capital! Been here for about 2 hours now awaiting my plane to get here. Flight originally was departing here at 6:05 PM, now it is slated for 7:40 PM. What fun it is to sit on a hard chair while your ass falls asleep, but hey, I got internet access! For a price. A small price, $1.99 a month billed to SBC, but hey, I can use this laptop anywhere they have a connection, which is cool. I'll spend 2 dollars extra a month for that service.

I've been up in my new apartment for 2 days getting things situated. Got my keys and lease agreement all set up. All utilities are now in my name at the new place. All is good. Not like I had a grand time there. Lots of lonely time for me, sitting on boxes for chair and making dinner for myself, yet I could have fed 10 with the spagetti I made. But it was fun. I got to play my music as loud as I wanted since the people around me work, so the afternoons were good. Got to watch some dvd's and that past the time. Didn't really get to travel around LR much, and only spent a small amount of time in Conway. But I did get a new checking account here, so yippie for me.

It is weird how American act around each other. I know the south is known for their hospitality, but when it comes to sitting next to a stranger, whoa...hold on there partner! I remember while I was over in Europe, namely Austria and Italy, that if you sat in a 4 person table, but only two people sat there, they would sit two others there with you to save space. I guess that is the case of two reasons. One, Europe isn't as spacious as we are here. You know, tear down trees and put up acres of buildings with tables everywhere because lord forbid we sit near another conversation. In this aspect, I took it that Europeans were more social or didn't have this stigma with strangers. I don't know if that was the case or not, but it does seem pretty cool.

Last night, I saw an add for a free ipod, which are commonly shown all over the internet. This particular one was if you slapped "W", you would get an ipod. And I thought to myself, "I wonder if anyone has done this?" Not just the cartoon, but I mean really slap George W. to get a free ipod. Even moreso, would George W. slap himself to get a free ipod? Just something for you to think about.

Well, I am kinda running out of things to say right now. I have just over an hours worth of laptop power right now, so that should last me until the flight gets here, which should be in about 5-15 minutes. Maybe longer now...*sigh*.

I think I better get up and stretch before I sit back down again. Keep leaving those messages! Later.

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