
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 | 4:11 A.M.


I just finished the latest Harry Potter book, "Half-blood Prince", and all I can say is that I am sad.

That's all.

Just sad.

If I wasn't tired, I'd be sad and tear-stained.

As much as I am looking sooo much to the last installment, a sense of foreboding approaches me. I guess I feel sad that I want to read the next book soo bad that it means I will forget those who cannot be in it. I guess it is like moving on. I don't want to, but I must.

Odd really...over a book...never did this through movies...but I guess they never thought of doing this in movies...only in books.

But hey, this could be like Tolkien or Lucas in Rings or Star Wars...but I could be hoping for something that will never come. It is strange, our minds, how we hope on things that will never come, yet cannot see the simplest solutions right infront of us...

But as I try to go to sleep, I am sad, for I feel like I have lost something dear as well. I'm sure all who read this book will feel the same, as we have lost someone close and dear to us.

Just strange really....and sad...

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