
Thursday, Dec. 30, 2004 | 1:21 P.M.

End of a Year: Part 1

Hello all.

I know it was been a while, a month actually, since I have last graced my presense on this diary. It seems harder and harder, or possilby easier and easier with this diary. Harder to write in it, or easier to avoid it. Don't know which, and maybe, it might be a little of both.

It is Dec. 30, which means my lovely wife turns 24 today. Though she is suppose to be here, because of incompitence and illness, she must work on her birthday, which should be a crime or a holiday. I just hope she doesn't have to work tomorrow. She was suppsed to have today and tomorrow off, but who knows now.

And yet again, I have changed my diary, and possibly for the last time. I really do like this layout. I think it suits me best. Though I think I'll change the title..in fact, I'll do that now.


Okay, better now.

Hopefully soon, I will also organize my archive page a bit better and maybe, just maybe, fix my guestbook to match my current layout.

The reason I stated that this may be my last templet is I might not be writing in this diary anymore. But I will not officially make that decision until Feb. 20, my three year anniversary on Diaryland. That will be my deadline to see if I stay or go.

Okay, lots has happened since I've last typing in this thing. One - I quit jobs and working at my old one. Worked two stores in two different malls for December. Worked nearly 40 hours a week, so I was busy, now they have my transfered to one and I have the possibility of become assistant manager at one of these stores in January.

My sister-in-law turned 21, so now we can be with her and drink without feeling guilty. And of course, Christmas.

I did get some lovely gifts, one I am enjoying right now. For my wedding gift, I recieved a palm pilot with the capability of listening to mp3's, so my wife bought me an expansion card as well as good headphones. I can load about 2 CD's worth of music at a time (20-25 songs), which is plenty for me. Maybe sometime I'll go up a size, but that'll be all. I also got a beer maker, which is very cool, and I recieved "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind", which I think is the best movie of the year as well as best actor (Jim Carrey). As my wife puts it, "Chadin loved the movie so much, not because of Jim Carrey (though it helped), but he understood it very well. That's because the way Jim Carrey's character thought in the movie is exactly how Chadin thinks on a regular basis, the way he connects events and thoughts together."

I do have a crazy, freaky mind.

For my wife's birthday, I did buy her a great gift. I bought her a ring to replace the promise ring I gave her after we were going out for a year. I cannot show you a picture of the exact ring, but I can give a close look-alike. The basica difference between this one and the one I got her was the cut of the stones. I got her princess cut stones instead of round ones, but set the same way. A diamond in the middle with two sapphires on each side. I think she likes it.

Because of a shortage of money, I did not give my family any gifts, so hopefully when we get back to our appartment, we can order these gifts online. I am at my in-laws right now, were we have been staying since Christmas Eve.

Oh, I also recieve my LIVESTRONG yellow wristbands in the mail the other day. If don't know what I am talking about or have been wondering how to get your own, you can go here and take a look around.

Well, I believe this is the end of Part 1. Part 2 will continue either tonight or tomorrow, hopefully containing some new year resolutions that I intend to keep. Till then...Lost in the Clouds.

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