
Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004 | 5:24 P.M.

Man, it is boring here...

This is just something right now to keep me from dying of boredom. There has been...hmm...let me see...6..SIX!...people to visit the dealership today. We've been open since 9 AM, so in 8.5 hours, we've had 6 customers. Makes you want to quit doesn't it, but I can't.

You see, Erin wants a house by the time our lease is up on our apartment. I've only been on the job for 7 months here, and any rapid movement of job titles makes banks very nervous to lend any money, so I have to stick this job out until I get a house. Maybe after then, I can get another job or something else.

It would probably also help if we actually cleaned up our apartment enough to make it livable and relaxing to come home to. Maybe more pics or less shit might help.

I need a vacation - or just some time off right now. Just to relax and not do things, at the same time, doing things that need to be done.

It would also help if I had more fun...yeah, that would be good.

But I cannot spend money anymore. Well, I can, but I can't just blow money like I have lots. We have to budget our money now since we are saving for a house. Whenever that time comes to afford a house, whether it is Dec. 04 or Dec. 05, I don't know.

Doesn't help that I have to be here soo many hours and go jack shit while I am here. No customers...no nothing to do.

Also doesn't help that my knees are killing me. I don't know what I did to them, but they hurt.

Yeah, I think I'm done with this thing for today.

One last note, I am surprised at the lack of notes/guestbook entries for my last entry. I'd figure me wantint to talk about sex would spark some response. I could care if it is positive or negative, but I thought I'd get something. Maybe it is that I am a guy, and most that read my diary are female....eh, who knows.

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