
Friday, Jul. 30, 2004 | 10:56 A.M.

This is feels slow - and agonizing

I know it has been a while since I last updated, but since I last updated, it feels like I have been working bell to bell every day since then. I really can't remember if I have or haven't, but it just feels like it.

Ah, I just got paid today. That makes me feel a little bit better to know that I actually have money in my possession; granted I have money in my bank account, but it's been half a month since I've seen money coming in. Now I've seen lots of money going out...

As you can see by my totals so far, I am really cutting it short as I try to reach my goal. Right now, I'm just trying to sell 2 more cars so I can get my first bonus. I really don't want to be stuck on the last day of the month with 2 more cars to go, or even 1 more car to go. I get uptight and frantic when that happens, so it would be perfect with me if I sold 2 cars today to get my 12 bonus, and then just relax that Saturday knowing I've reached my bonus and mo' money!

I've really been meaning to talk about some things. I will just make a list of them right now. 1. Time 2. Fairness in Life 3. Why must I be perfect 4. Choices 5. What's right.

Yeah, I think that is all of them. Hopefully Sunday when I actually have time off, I will rant feverishly about these subjects. Who knows, they might even expand into multiple entries.

I'm just trying to get appointments for today and tomorrow to even have hopes that I will sell two cars. Appointments always help a little. Even if it is one today and one tomorrow, hey, that's two car deals...

I just gotta get to 12!

Erin says that if I just have this, "I don't care" or "Fuck it" attitude, that I will be better off. Possibly. I know I've been told that I think way too hard on subjects at hand, and if I will just go through the motions, I will be fine.

Oh! I almost forgot. I really should write about this...

Hey, I just thought of something else as well...

Okay, this first. I don't remember if I wrote about it, but I will repeat it anyway. I married a man! In Arkansas! I had a Gay Marriage! NO, you say, but, ho, it's true. HOW, you say? When Erin was changing her social security card to her new name, she found out that in 1989, when it asked with sex, her dad put M. So, according to the government of the USA, Erin is a man, and I married a man. I had a Gay Marriage in Arkansas! Hahahaha! Fuck you Christian Colliation! Try and stop me now!

Okay, that was fun - and funny.

The other thing I wanted to talk about. This past weekend, I met up with Erin and her sis and mom in OK to hang out with them in their rented lake cabin. It was a fun time, but it really didn't leave much for sleeping, at least not comfortably with a crap bed and a sunburn. We went kayaking, boating, jet skiing, and tubbing. It was all fun, except for the tubbing b/c of the already rough waters and windy conditions. Didn't feel good at all. But it was a good time all around, though Erin really got burned, beaten up by rocks, and had a headache for most of the time I was there.

Well, I think that is all I can write about for today, without getting everything out today, and man, that would be a very long entry.


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