
Sunday, Apr. 18, 2004 | 10:02 P.M.

Chalk-filled with wholesome goodness (yeah right)

Hey guys,

Well, here I am again. I really didn't feel like writing an entry the last time, so I will try and make it up this time, but I doubt I will surpass the critics out there.

One big reason for my leave so to speak was my stress at work. I sold a car April 1, and that was about it. So when it was time to update, I still only had one car sold; I was depressed. But now I am happy! I have sold 5 cars this past week, which puts me at 6 cars for the month. I think I am only 3 cars behind the top man of our dealership, so that puts me in a good mood.

Erin is gone to AR this weekend to get some wedding things done and take some bridal photos.

I miss her right now. This is going to sound weird, but I miss her because she is a woman. I didn't really notice it until today (not the fact that she is a woman - I know you all were going there!) how much I crave women. I love their attention, which is probably why I like flirting with them. I don't know what it is. When I am at work, I'll talk to the receptionist and of course, talk to the female customers and be happy, then go home and be very happy with Erin. But when she is gone and I am not at work at the dealership, like last night and today, damn do I crave some closeness for women. Now I am not saying that I want sex from other women or kissing or affection (well, I kinda am), I just like being around them and talking to them. It feels like I am addicted to them, and when I am not around them longer than 5 minutes, I go through withdrawal. It's weird. I am going through that now...so I crave anything that relates to them that I can find...yeah, you know what I am talking about....

I think that is pretty much all I have to say right now. I know what when I actually have the internet at my house, these enteries will get better, in the context that I will write more about my thoughts and theories, and less about what actually happened in my day. Kinda hard to jam pack all my thoughts into a diary when I haven't written in it for 7 days, and in this case, 14 days. It all gets fuzzy in the background.

Well, I think this is my stop. I shall talk to you all later.

I'm off work next Sunday...woohoo!!!

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