
Sunday, Mar. 07, 2004 | 11:21 P.M.

hey hey hey - i'm free (for a weekend)

Well, lookie who is back in the world? Yeah, I am free from my job for this weekend. It actually feels good to be away. God, that area has taken over my life, hasn't it? Also that I do not have internet access at my apartment still, so yeah.

I am in Harrison at the moment. We had a wedding shower/meeting the bride party at my parents house today. It was an event. I have no idea how many people were here, somewhere between 30-50 I guess. It was fun to see all the people, well, maybe not for Erin. She was kinda uptight about this whole thing, but I think she made it through. Also, Erin's parents came up with us, so we all drove up fro Plano to Harrison. It was between 6-7 hours trip, with stops and all, so not a bad ride.

I will have to say this, I think that my parents and Erin's parents really get along, especially my dad and Erin's dad. Here's a scene for you. Saturday night, when we came in and after eating, we get out the guitars. Both my dad and Erin's dad play the guitar, granted they have different styles - Erin's dad is more rock music (lead guy), and my dad is more country music (strumming chords guy), but we stayed up for another 2 hours playing the guitar, singing songs, and drinking beer. Everyone: Me, Erin, my dad, my mom, Erin's mom, and Erin's dad all sat up sang song. It was a real blast.

I really don't have much to say right now, besides that, but I will say this, my dad definitely needs to write a book. I hear soo many stories about him on the police force, and they are incredibly funny and interesting to be held by me, the family, and family friends. I wish I could tell one of them - well, I can now.

I was about 10-12 and it was mother's day. We were heading toward Fayetteville to visit my dad's mom. We were traveling along, and dad was driving, and this truck pulling a horse trailer flys around us. So dad being a policeman, speeds up and follows him to keep an eye on him. A car was ahead of us which was behind the trailer and it was trying to pass the trailer, but the trailer kept cutting him off. Finally it got around the trailer and we go around the trailer, and the guy driving leans out of the window and gives us the finger. Now, it is me, my dad, my sister, and my mom in the car. Of course, my dad tries to get them to pull over, but we get more fingers in our direction. My dad falls behind and calls for other officers in our direction to pull over this vehicle. Two cars come by and pull over the trailer. Of course, my dad got out of the car and helps the guy from the trailer into some comfy handcuffs. Dad had to drive the trailer to the sheriff's office while my mom drove our car. Along with wreckless driving, we had an illegal alien with him. As we got to the station, the driver wanted to speak with us, and he appoligized to us for being rude. Yeah, that was a fun Mother's Day.

You think that should be in a book?

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