
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003 | 3:14 P.M.


Well, this week for me has been very busy. Let's start this off with monday.

Monday I started my AFLAC school to learn the basics I need to know. It started late so I was pleased. It was a small class, only 10, so it was easier to talk to people. We went out and ate pizza and watched a motivational tape. Very helpful. On tuesday and wednesday, we went over things, but started earlier, 8 AM. After this occured, I was ready to go out into the field. But first, I headed to the Saucer to celebrate.

Thursday didn't happen like I thought it would. Instead of going out to business, my district manager took me to hot springs to do some business there. I really didn't get much done, but it was good fun and helpful to see how comfortable people can be.

After I got home, I got ready to go out on my own for friday, but when I woke up, I was very nervous. Erin said that I should wait, but I told myself I needed to do this to see if I could, which I told her. So, at 9:30 AM, I went out. I did pretty well. I visited 39 businesses with a possible 3 call-backs. 10-20 places I went to, the manager wasn't there. Then it was solo business. I really didn't get turned down that much, so I feel pretty good. But today, I need to get together and learn my products.

But after I went to all my businesses on friday, I met erin in NLR and we went to shorty smalls for dinner then I headed to buy some tickets to see Bad Boys II, but they were all sold out, except the last show, which was 2:30 hours away from beginning, so I called a mutual friend and she met erin and I at barnes & noble. We spent 2 hours there just hanging out and having fun, taking some psych tests, and drinking coffee. Our friend left and we headed to watch the movie, which was packed. I figured it was going to be a longer movie than 90 minutes, but not 150 minutes. Besides that, it was a good movie, maybe even better than the first one. Jerry Brockheimer director or exec. producer or whatever to this movie (he controls CSI and Without a Trace on CBS). You could tell with the camera angles he was using with this movie (watch CSI and you will know what I am talking about). I also think Jerry went crazy when he found out his budget for this movie, and like a little boy, went all out using his toys to good use.

Anyways, on saturday, there was an AFLAC state meeting at the peabody in LR. We had two motivational speakers, auction, lunch, and awards to give away. I had a good time meeting other people there, but what I also learned is that I am in the best region in the state and in the US. That pleases me greatly, and really doesn't put pressure on me to perform well, for some reason.

What I also learned is that lots of agents and managers love to drink! There were some tipsy people there after the meeting (we had a free, open bar), including my regional manager, and my state manager was passing out drinking left a right. I had ____ and coke. Just fill in the blank with a dark liquor. I had about 4-5 before the hypnotist.

And speaking of the hypnotist - yeah, pretty much the main reason for this entry. Erin told me not do to anything stupid, like get hypnotized. Well, I wasn't going to volunteer, but the exercise he performed to see who would do well, I was one of them, so people encouraged me to go on stage, so I reluntantly went. Yeah, I got hypnotized. And I was voted the best participant by the audience. And I will tell you what I remember.

I got into a trance, which was pretty cool. He told us that our eye lids were heavy as iron and I wouldn't be able to open them, no matter how hard I tried, so I tried - couldn't open them. So, I was his, so to speak. Next we were in the North Pole freezing, trying to keep warm, and then went to the desert where it was 120 F, trying to keep cool. Then I think we were petting a baby duck, who crapped on us, and we wiped it on our neighboy. Next we went to a movie theater, where was saw a comedy, rollercoaster simulater, and porno (in 3-d) which had our parents in it, then to a sad movie. I think after that, we were all 3 and were on the Barney show. We sang the "I love you" song. Now here, normally, I wouldn't watch that show, but man, it felt good being 3 and that happy. Then, I think he called on me to forget the number 8. When I counted my finger, I wouldn't count the number eight, seriously. I tried, but didn't. I had 11 fingers, then when I counted by two's, I had twelve fingers. For a person who is good in math, this really bothered me. but he put me back to sleep, and I was out.

Now, here is the part that everyone loved me for. He said we all had a hidden talent, and this one was dancing. We all were professional dancers. We had to imagine we were a hula-dancer, ballet dancer, disco dancer, country western dancer, and then a exotic dancer. Now, for those of you that do not know, I am a pretty good dancer, but I am shy around people sometimes, so I tend to control myself, but under hypnosis, I just let go. I can move my hips and legs so I was pretty good as a hula-dancer, and can do some ballet because i am flexible. Now, when it got to disco, that's where I began to let go. I like disco music, easy to dance to. I remember getting a huge grin on my face right when I started dancing, like saying, I know what I am doing and can do it well. I remember not really focusin on the croud, but I know they were pointing at me and making a fuss about my dancing skills, then it went to country dancing, which i deemed to be rivercountry dancing. I took tap and clog my senior year in high school, so I knew what i was doing, and that got people going. YMCA was next, which went well, but the one that took them over, i think, was the exotic dancing. I think I saw others starting to dance, but I strutted to the front, knowing I am hot and stuff, and basically grinded the air, took a dollar in my mouth, pulled off my belt, thrusted, shook my ass, and took off my shirt. I knew what I was doing and I liked it - the attention, knowing people were watching me, and I was giving them a show they liked. Strange coming from me really.

Anyways, after that was over, I didn't do much after that, but I heard what was going on. Probably would have been funny if I was, but didn't. Then they said by applause, who was the best, I got a standing ovation. So yeah, I got a shirt that I am wearing right now. Lastly, he gave us suggestions when we went off stage to say or do things. Mine was when he was say video tape, I was would say, "I wear women's underware". Yeah, what fun. After it was over, he told us that we would not remember what happened, even when people told us. It was true, I coudln't remember, it felt like a dream. Yeah, do say the least, my legs are killing me. So I must have been really dancing.

So, yeah, I was hypnotized. But I made a dollar from it and a shirt, so yeah. Now I am remembered in AFLAC as the kid who can dance. Well, at least I am remembered. Maybe next time, I can add being a good angent in there too.

I seriously need to clean, study, and all sorts of things so I can be ready for tomorrow. I'm sure they will give me the pics, so you all can see. I know what you were thinking.

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