
Saturday, Jul. 05, 2003 | 7:47 P.M.

I hate women - and I will tell you why (they're sexy!)

Yes, I hate women because they are sexy. Not in a narcissistic(sp) way, but just, DAMN, they are hot. And because of their ultimate hotness, they control men (and women too). They even control gay guys. Why, because they are hot. But why do I hate, because they are evil!

Now why would I say they are evil? Because of sex. Yes, sex! In my perception (which isn't much), I feel that women can and do know how to turn a man on without having sex running through their mind. I believe women can talk about sex, and it not affect them. Not the case for men, i.e. me. And this lies the power of women to control men. Because men (some men) want what women have, and women (some women) do not want to give that up, or they do, but just want to tease, and in this teasing, they know that men will pursue further and further and get sucked into their trap where they cannot get out. Now, by all mean, I love being in their trap (hehehe - thoughts) with many places to get "caught" in, but nevertheless, munipulation is what it is! For their sexualy pleasures - they use us for their lustful thoughts and desires. And it is wrong for them to do that. But will I stop them...HELL NO!

I think I meantion before the girls can talk about sex and it is okay, but guys can't because they are being horny and perverted - that or it is I who believe that and I am holding myself back. But who would want to read about a guy's thoughts about sex? I mean really, some of you are thinking, "Yeah, that's a tough one - big tits, blow jobs, blonde ditzes, and falling asleep. Wow, tough to follow."

Well, I think I hold myself back. I think that I do not allow myself to think sexual thoughts that would occur naturally - basically, I am supressing myself sexually (probably many other ways as well), which is why I get bursts or explosions (there is no way in this entry that I will not be able to look at a word or sentence and not turn it sexually...) of desire and do stupid things that I have done in the past.

My head hurts, and probably for many reasons....need to drink some water. I think I am getting headaches from lack of water intake lately.

If you all remember my last entry, I got a guestbook respondent saying they thought I was a girl, until the end or until they read something else. Lovely, isn't it. Mistaken for a female, been called secretly gay by my girlfriend, have lots shoes, into clothes, fashion, cooking - I'm just a girls best friend aren't I? (head cock) - no, that doesn't mean the same thing....minds out of the gutter

Yeah, uhm, do I even want to try and change subjects here....

Going to see Justin and Christina in concert tomorrow. Now there's some sexual tension waiting to explode. On the floor at this concert, so I will be surrounded by 12-18 year old girls screaming their heads off (I guess karma for what I said about girls in my diary - they'll probably think I'm stupid anyways...), but it should be fun. The Nsync concert was fun, so this one should be too.

yeah, uhm...blood is being lost in my head right now, so I'm going to go now. Head hurts still...yeah..uhm..bye

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