
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 | 12:02 P.M.

You knew it was coming

***This is fair warning that this entry may be long, since it has been 8 days from the last time I posted. This is just fair warning; that and I forgot what has happened in these last 8 days, so bear with me (why is it bear with me, what does that mean, bear with me? Give me a hug? I'm a bear, so I'm stupid and long-winded? The english language is fucked up man.***

Okay, now the real entry.

It has been a long 8 days, with lots of happenings going on in the life of yours truly. Now if I can just remember them....

What is today? Ah, Monday, so that would mean the last time I updated was Sunday. So what has happened since Sunday. A lot.

Monday, most of us from Hendrix went to the Flying Saucer for St. Patties Day. If you don't know what the Flying Saucer is, it is a Beer Emporium. Go check it out and see if it is near a town where you live. Strange thing about going on a Monday night is that I get to see grads of Hendrix that are in Little Rock. I don't know if I just get excited if I see people I haven't seen in a while, or if it is to see what life is like in the real world, or because I am envious of them for graduating. Who knows really. But it was fun seeing people that I haven't seen in a while, and while drinking beer on St. Patty's Day!

I don't think I did anything of importance on Tuesday; I had intermediate acting that day, but I will indulge myself and you to what my professor told me, well, about me. She basically said that when I beat up on myself, I am wasting my own time and energy. I need to get over the fact that I have fears and doubts about myself and focus on what I can do to get past these obstacles. I know I do this for myself. I worry about if I am doing a good job, about how i am acting (which is funny, because I am in acting class), and a bunch of other things. I do better if I'm not focusing on the words and just saying them. She also told me that I am not unique in the way that I have these problems, but I do think I am unique in the way that I arrived at this fear and stuff. So the phrase "you are unique, just like everyone else" is true. We are all unique in our own way, but we are also unique like everyone else in our life and problems. so yeah...

Wednesday, went back to the Saucer, but also on Wednesday and Thursday I tried out for a play, Rhinoausors. It is a very interesting play where basically, everyone turns into a rhino, some right on the stage. I didn't get the lead role, but I got a good supporting role. So I am happy.

Thursday was just tiring, so I don't want to relive that day. DON'T MAKE ME RELIVE THAT DAY!!!

On Friday, we went to the racetrack at Oaklawn. We (M-lady and I) took $95 with us there. We basically spent 15-20 on non-betting stuff and the rest betting. She didn't do that well, but I ended up walking out of there with $91 dollars, all of it from betting! I was much pleased about that. And with this Oaklawn trip, I am on Spring Break!

But is it really a spring break? No, b/c I am not going anywhere, and I am basically doing cleaning and studying. I have to study comps (fucking comps), have my lines memorized from acting class, and have my lit review ready to have to turn in on Tuesday morning, and if I have time, read a book. So fuck you all who have breaks. I hope you die!

Well, I think that is all I have to say. I am pretty much wasting time and not wanting to do what I have to do. I am just a bit bitter, but I wonder why?

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