
Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 | 3:08 P.M.

When has this happened before?

Jesus Christ, now this is deja vu! I just read what happened to me a year ago, and I swear, it is almost the exact same thing that is happening to me now! Freaky man.

Though it is the same from last year, I will still let you all know what has happened.

Wednesday night was opening night for the play. We did well, though the audience wasn't into it, which does hinder the actors. But as each performance went on, we did better, though the saturday matinee didn't go well, the night performance was great. Though I am glad the play is over, I wish it wasn't at the same time. I felt the same way after last years musical. I wanted to keep seeing the people that I met during the show. Same thing here. I do hope there will be more opportunities to meet up with everyone.

Had our cast party last night. I had a blast, though I was hestitant to join for two reasons. One, my mom was spending the night and I didn't want to abandon her; and two, I had a paper to write. But, I did decide to go over. Had a great time! Dancing was fun, though there were some people there that really didn't need to be there - disrupting the party. Got a bit tipsy, but that is to be expected. Danced with people, which was great. Always like dancing. M-lady showed up which shocked me, b/c she was with her friends at their apt. Really didn't expect them to show up, even if they ran out of ideas and stayed home, but it was good dancing with her again, without worrying about guys hitting on her or her being jealous (my fear, not exactly reality) if I danced with someone else, or not with her. Left a bit later than I was planning, but it was all good. Wish someone from the "players" would through more dance parties like that. I always have more fun at those parties than campus parties. People seem more comfortable and relaxed.

And, like always when I am having fun, I have a paper and a test to study for. Both are tomorrow. I know I will do decent (I will pass) on the exam - only need to study for about an hour or so, but with the paper, I haven't even started. I asked for an extention but was denined, which pissed me off. I was just looking for a day longer, but no. What a bastard. And I need to rehearse a scene with someone from my acting class. But I am not worried about that. It will just take up time, that's all. Wish me luck on all of these paths of hell!

I could talk about what I've been thinking lately, but I don't know if I should now. Perhaps later, I don't know yet. Basically debating if I should start my paper now, or get some emotional things out of me - then I might be able to write a better paper. No, not right now. Tomorrow perhaps. So just wait till then. Have a lovely day.

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