
Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 | 12:06 A.M.

counting down the days

I have a headache right now. I don't knwo why. I usually do not get headaches. I do when I am stressed, but I am not stressed, but I am not, in my mind, or actively stressed. Just strange to me for me getting a headache. Perhaps I am tired.

So, I am counting down the days till my 23rd birthday. If you all have been keeping up, and you should, you would know who many days I have until my birthday. Or you could cheat and look on my ME section and see it in blue and white. But, if you do not wish for that, I guess I will give you the direct approach; my birthday is on February 7. And since it is past midnight, I have 7 days until my birthday.

You might have also noticed from looking on my profile, that my 200th entry is coming up soon. What I plan to do is write my 200th entry on my birthday. But what I do not know is what will I do for my 200th entry. I have already done 100 things about me for my 100th entry. What else is there to do? I will take suggestions as to what to do.

I've been trying to get my homework done in a timely manner, and I've been doing a good job of it. I have set up a schedule, and I've been sticking to it. Only problem now is I feel a bit rushed, which is why I do have a problem with school, I feel rushed constantly. With this feeling, I also have a feeling that I need to slow down, or need time to myself. So I am constantly wanting time to myself as well as trying to get my homework done. Which do not work well together.

I have been often critisized by people for talking too much about homework and school, most from reviewers, and how everyone has those problems. But what is sometimes ironic, or just plain funny, is that some are in high school. To me, they have little merit to say this. I had homework in high school, but I didn't care about it, and did fine. No real worries there, but now in college, I do. I have a lot more worries, and for only having half as many classes in college than in high school, the work load is far superior. And so are the expectations. So to say I talk too much, is perhaps true for most of you, and is probably almost geeky (which there are very few geeky people in college), but that is my life, with some variation. In high school, it really wasn't a part of my life, besides seeing friends, but college is apart of my life. It also helps that you are crammed in a dorm and on campus to bring you into the college life.

I have also been noticing, I've been going through periods where I write for myself, then I write for you all, the reading audience. I guess it doesn't help that I go to review sites and ask people to grade my site based on what I say. But I am a walking paradox, so I like getting feedback from others, and I like to know that I am not writing a bunch of shit on here.

Well, it is almost my bedtime, so I guess I will cut this right here. I now, or sometime, need to figure out what to do for Valentine's Day. I don't know what I'm planning on or have anything in mind. But, being the person that I am, I'll never know and nothing will be good enough. Because nothing and no one is perfect, yet we, and most I, strive for perfection. Why?

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