
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2002 | 11:35 P.M.

changing things on here

I know the title is crappy, but my brain has left my head for somewhere I don't know, because if I did know, I could find it, but it doesn't want me to find it, so there you go.

I am going to change my profile so that it will have a quote from your diary that I find humerous or fitting in some way. The reason I do this is if I don't know you, or you do not update much, I really don't know what to write, so I am going to do this. Also, I am going to have a new templet soon; just whenever I can get the html set up and everything. Already have the pics, just need the html.

I am done with classes, so yay! Now, I am to start studying for finals, but since I have jack squat to do during the day, I might actually study (a shocked hush goes around the room). At least that is my plan. Study tomorrow for Global (i.e. read the book), thurs read another book, friday study for my Medieval Europe exam on Sat., after that exam, read other book. Sun and Mon, read another book and begin writing paper and go back over 1st book to make sure I know what to say for final on Tues, then after that, write like mad for hours upon hours so I can go out and eat and watch LOTR: TT in the theaters opening night at 11:59 PM. If still not finished with paper, I will be awake after watching that movie, and must turn in 15 pages by 9 AM Wed., morning. Now, I know what you are saying, there is no way I can read three books in this amount of time and be able to study for finals and write a 15 page paper. And I would say to that, you are probably right, BUT...I am trying not to stress and relax and therefore focus more clearly on the tasks at hand. So I might surprise you and mayself. But I am still expecting all C's this term. My focus is going to be on next term with comps and a better schedule. I will do better then because my body and mind will have time to adjust to the semester system, because it didn't this time. My brain has been dead for some time.

And for all of those who are wanting a review. I'm busy and M-lady is working like mad at her new job and is very exhausted, but in a weeks time, I will have all the time in the world, except for those hours I am working on my comps, but I promise you that I will get between 1-4 reviews a day after the 18th. This is my promise to you, the writers and creaters of your own personal diary.

Okay, so now what?

*Input feelings, emotions, humor, wit, funny quote, a tear here, laughing now, deep thought, realization, dramatic quote, and resolution*

There, wasn't that fun!

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