
Monday, Dec. 02, 2002 | 2:37 P.M.

my mood, so to speak

I am basis this off of M-lady's entry. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe I will write an actual entry later.

Mood Analyser

At this particular time you are feeling the results of extreme stress and you are seeking a 'way out' but you are pushing too hard. Obviously you need peace, tranquility and contentment. Your temperament is such that you are hoping, unrealistically perhaps, that your desires will shortly be fulfilled (even if at this time you are not quite sure what those true aspirations may be!).

You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.

Matters are not progressing as well as you would have hoped and you are having to make concessions - but you still believe that your goals are realistic it's just that people can't seem to see your point of view. You know what you want but you'll only accept suggestions under duress.

Whatever has caused the situation, you just don't seem to be able to sustain or maintain relationships as you would wish to. What you really seek is to be able to develop a relationship with someone with whom you can truly share: Love, Serenity, Peace and Quiet. But you are a very demanding person and it is your nature that leads to disquiet and discord: you are like the tide, flotsam and jetsam... One minute you experience 'highs' and a few moments later 'lows'. This obviously will introduce discord into any relationship and with this demanding attitude - the ideal state you desire is unable to develop. Despite the urge to gratify your natural desires, you impose a considerable self-restraint on your instincts in the belief that this demonstrates your superiority and raises you above the common herd. You are extremely critical of everything that is presently going on around you and you find it difficult to listen to or to take advice from anyone. You enjoy the original, the ingenious and the subtle.

You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from within a close and harmonious relationship.

You have so many ideas that you would like to revitalize but you need to realize a stable and peaceful condition to do so. Once you can free yourself from all the aggravation and tension around you, you will make strides that may amaze you. You will not be prevented from achieving all the things you so desire.

In-Depth Analysis :

Your Mood: You are probably feeling overwhelmed at the moment. It is as if you have too much on your plate and need time out. Perhaps you need a rest so that you can recharge your batteries; at the moment do not feel ready to take on more challenges. You feel more determined than usual and are not prepared to put up with unnecessary delay or restriction. Not in the mood to be told what to do you resent anyone trying to control your behavior. You do not want to be held back at this time.

Your Present Situation: Right now, you feel comfortable and relaxed and fairly content with your life. While this is, in most ways, a good thing, you might be getting a little too comfortable. Your present situation is very protective and enclosed, and while this feels good now, you may start feeling frustrated and boxed in.Your present situation is draining your energy levels and can be very frustrating. Whatever efforts you make things do not appear to be getting any better. You need to be very careful as your vitality at the moment is low and you may feel that you cannot meet the challenges of your present circumstances. It is important to realize that this phase is temporary, and if you are careful not to let despondency take over, you will triumph in the end. You can make the necessary changes in your life, but it may take some time.

Your Sensual Self: You are not extremely sexual, preferring to hold back and observe from the sidelines. Your desires are kindled by aesthetically pleasing appearances and people who fit the romantic ideal you have created for yourself. You are charming and attentive to your mate and take pains to make yourself as attractive as possible.

The Significance of Blue: Peaceful, compassionate and sensitive, Blue is about harmony, caring friendships and security. Those who choose Blue over other colors prefer to avoid conflict whenever possible and can be escapists, whilst those who reject Blue tend to be restless and impatient. When Blue is favored friendship is extremely important, whilst people who shy away from Blue can be fearful of revealing themselves to others, which can lead to loneliness.

The Meaning of this Color for You: Being very sensitive by nature you can find it very difficult to deal with disharmony in your life. You need to feel at ease and will work hard to avoid conflict. Your relationships with friends and colleagues prosper only when you trust them and feel trusted by them. You can find the security that you crave through honest caring relationships. Quiet rest and peaceful contemplation is the key to your overall well-being. When faced with disruption and stress you feel threatened on a deep level and need to escape to a place where you can recuperate.

The Significance of Gray: Grey is a shade and when chosen as a favorite color suggests a sense of detachment and an unwillingness to get involved. Those who prefer Grey are often keenly observant and perceptive but this can isolate them. People who dislike Grey generally need to learn to step back and take time out to avoid getting over-involved, which can lead to exhaustion and tiredness.

The Meaning of this Color for You: Quite and observant you are able to separate yourself from the world around you and are a keen and perceptive observer of the motivation other. Sometimes you can be controlling and dictatorial. At this particular time you are feeling the results of extreme stress and you are seeking a 'way out' but you are pushing too hard. Obviously you need peace, tranquility and contentment. Your temperament is such that you are hoping, unrealistically perhaps, that your desires will shortly be fulfilled (even if at this time you are not quite sure what those true aspirations may be!).

The Significance of Green: Solid, reliable with a strong sense of self and reserves of energy Green is about control and the desire to be in command of our own destiny. It represents how we value and what we expect from ourselves. Those who have a preference for Green can be somewhat stubborn and proud as well as very idealistic; whilst those who find Green to be a difficult color often like to shy away from confrontation and seek peace and harmony.

The Meaning of this Color for You: You tend to be reliable and determined, but perhaps a little willful too! Compromise is not really your strong point and you are from time to time rather proud. In your desire to further your aims you need to learn not to ride roughshod over those around you.

The Significance of Yellow: Yellow is the color associated with communication, lightheartedness and openness. It is about the freedom to express ourselves. When strongly favored it often suggests a dislike of routine and daily chores, and it the extreme can represent irresponsibility. When Yellow is disliked it often indicates a desire for stability and even a fear of change.

The Meaning of this Color for You: You cast a critical eye over others and form close relationships only when you are certain of those around you. When satisfied that others deserve respect you have no problem joining in and can make very useful contributions in group endeavors, whether at work or in the home. You are trying to improve your position and prestige - be it in your life or in your workplace. Things are, at this time, OK - but they could be better. You feel that it is essential that you break down any opposition that could possibly lurk in the shadows. You know that you are quite capable of achieving this set goal because you have to and because it is essential to your self esteem.

The Significance of Magenta: Magenta is about change, but it is really connected with inner transformation and has long been associated with spiritual concerns. It is about blending passion with gentleness and caring. When magenta is strongly liked a sense of curiosity is often present, conversely if magenta is actively disliked a feeling of being threatened by new things, especially ideas, is generally not too far from the surface.

The Meaning of this Color for You: At times your desire for self-improvement makes you a little self absorbed and you can take your moods too seriously. Never the less you do have a knack of taking pleasure in the world around you without losing your sense of perspective.

The Significance of Red: Excitable and energetic Red is the color of energy and dynamism, passionate by nature Red encourages us to act and to seek stimulation. When Red is favored strongly we seek sensation but can be a little aggressive and confrontational. When Red is disliked there is often a feeling of being overwhelmed and even, in extreme cases, exhausted.

The Meaning of this Color for You: You confidence tends to suffer when faced with new challenges and you do find being forced to respond a bit of a trial. It is not that you are incapable, far from it, but just that you like to pick your own battles and prefer to go at your own pace. Your approach is not confrontational and you dislike aggressive behavior. It is hard for you to accept that your needs and desires are misunderstood by almost everyone within your sphere of influence and there is no one to rely on. Your pent-up emotions and inherent egocentricity make you quick to take offense, but as matters stand you realize that you'll have to make the best of things as they are.

The Significance of Black: Black, which actually is not really a color but a shade, is an absence of light. It represents stillness and the cutting out of stimuli. It is about rules, control and limitations, and if liked can indicate a desire to play by the rules. When people reject Black they are often rebelling against limitations, either within themselves or those enforced by circumstance.

The Meaning of this Color for You: When others try to control you and tell you what to do your response is to reject them and pull away. It is important for you to be able to make your own choices and you dislike being forced into anything. Others can see you as stubborn and self-willed.

The Significance of Brown: Brown, unsurprisingly as it is the color of the Earth, represents the physical world and all the things that provide us with material support which help to make life a sensual and pleasurable experience. A strong inclination to Brown points to a real desire for comfort, when it is disliked there is usually a rejection of sensuality and a fear of the pleasures in life getting in the way.

The Meaning of this Color for You: You tend to have difficulty taking pleasure from the material world; some part of you is not comfortable with sensuality. You may over compensate but underneath you hold back and find it difficult to relax and really enjoy the moment. The need for admiration and to be regarded as 'someone special' is perhaps one of the foremost aims in your life at this time. You would like to perhaps do something outrageous or anything that will give you the chance to be recognized as someone special. This desire has now almost become an obsession and in your own way you are trying to fulfill this 'complex' by ensuring you are the center of attention, both at work or play, or in the home. Stop trying so hard and you will find that people will like you for who you are - not for who you are pretending to be.

Colorgenics Recommendations

If things get on top of you and your situation appears bleak you must avoid taking your mood too seriously. The longer you remain like that the worse it gets. You need to avoid self-pity as this only makes things much worse. You need to get yourself on going and if things do not seem to be going well make sure you do everything in your power to improve your situation.

Whilst you are putting a great deal of energy into trying to improve on your weaknesses you need to realize the value of relaxing and enjoying life. It is all very well driving yourself hard, but you are human and need tenderness from others as well as from yourself.

Energize your life with Color!

Instability can keep you from achieving your goals and pursuing your dreams, and can often lead others to take you less seriously than they should. Brown, the color of the earth, conveys stability and pride, while black works as a power shade. Using these together with some white elements (which promotes purity and innocence) will help balance out this potent combination. Try adding some earthy decorations to your home or office in these colors: plants, wooden vases, coconut candles and a throw or rug. Soak up the energies from these commanding shades and reap the rewards in no time.

Partial Archetype Test Results:

The Spyglass

Often concerned with right and wrong, and punctilious in expressing it, the Spyglass is best represented by the Customs Agent or the IRS inspector. This personality believes above all in the smooth and ordered flow of life. Initially seen by others as cold or uncaring, this personality is difficult for those more spontaneous members of society to understand. They appreciate plans and the best plan is one that has been used many times before.

Shape Analysis Test Results

The Circle - Connectedness

Position 1: This indicates you have a great desire to find yourself and your own independence.

The Square - Foundation

Position 2: This announces that you naturally attribute a great deal of value to your word and are congruent in your actions. Your greatest strength lies in your authenticity.

The Triangle - Goals

Position 3: You are desperately seeking vision in your life. You may have had dreams in the past which you have never created and are realizing how important they are. Goal setting and dedication are essential in your life.

Matching Triangles - Relationship

Position 4: Your past experiences have encouraged you to realize that relationships are an important aspect of your life and you have become more interested in people as a result. You participate in group projects and collaborative efforts. You are now focusing your energy on the issue represented by the shape chosen for position 3.

The Whirlwind - Change

Position 5: You are avoiding change in your life or you are happy in your current situation. Although you are aware that changes will always occur, for the moment you are content to explore stability.

Take the test again


The Whirlwind - Change

In nature, a whirlwind produces profound changes in the landscape by uprooting old trees, blowing away old shrubs, and literally stirring up the earth. Often these changes can be harsh and unforgiving, however they are necessary to the development of the planet. With change comes new growth and new life. If a person is attracted to the symbol of the whirlwind, it usually indicates a great desire for novelty, new ideas, and change. These people are creative, energetic, enthusiastic and are great for stirring up new ideas. Their greatest nemesis is the routine, and although they are capable of accomplishing many tasks at once, they sometimes have difficulty following through with the details. you are aware that changes will always occur, for the moment you are content to explore stability.

The Square - Foundation

Congruency is the single most important aspect of a square, as it is the most important quality to those attracted to the square. In drawing the square, each of the four sides must be congruent or it is not a square. Those attracted to that congruency are also attracted to the qualities of accountability, consistency, and stability. They value honesty, making plans, and setting goals and are steadfast in following through with them. Anyone seeking a sense of security or stability will appreciate the square. The foundations of a house, the walls of a castle, and many other symbols of strength and steadfastness are represented by squares.

Matching Triangles - Relationship

The ability we have as human beings to communicate and relate to each other is unique among our planet's inhabitants. We can share our thoughts, feelings, hopes, desires, and create bonds with each other that can last a lifetime. Our relationships with others present us with an incredible mirror into the most important relationship of all, our relationship with ourselves. Those who are attracted to the matching triangles are essentially seeking balance. They will favor quality relationships with the people they come in contact with. They will gravitate towards jobs which emphasize human contact, collaborative work, and people skills. They value open communication and quality time with their friends.

The Circle - Connectedness

As human beings, one of our most fundamental driving forces is our need to experience oneness. Without a sense of completeness we have no platform from which to launch our goals or dreams. If a person is feeling a sense of incompleteness or disconnectedness, the natural tendency will be to seek the space to find themselves. They will only be happy when given the freedom to grow in their own way and they will naturally reject any person or situation which restricts that space or leaves them feeling trapped. This process can, when taken to an extreme, become very self-absorbing. Often when a person seeking oneness does not get the space they desire, they will simply take it. This can lead to the loss of otherwise beneficial relationships and friendships.

The Triangle - Goals

Setting and working toward our goals and dreams are one of the primary ways we grow as human beings. Our realizations and processes of self-discovery along the way are vital to our development. The triangle symbolizes the mountain that we must climb in order for us to reach the goals we set for ourselves. There are many different paths up the mountain and with perseverance we will get there. When a person is attracted to triangles, they are in the process of single-mindedly creating and pursuing a goal. Obstacles which might stop others will barely deter these people. They are dedicated, determined, and persistent as long as their goals are still relevant to them. Their fear lies not in failure, but in not having a dream to pursue. However, this single-mindedness towards future pursuits can deter them from accomplishing anything in their immediate lives.

**Read next entry because this one is soo damn long***

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