
Monday, Nov. 25, 2002 | 11:34 P.M.

oh yeah, my weekend...

-Second entry of the night-

I almost forgot, there was a weekend that went by. Let me enlighten you about what happened.

Friday I went to see Jerry Seinfeld live. Man, it was great. One part that I thought was funny was when he asked, "Where is the gaul, ladies and gentlemen, where do we get the balls to name a cereal Life? No, this cereal is too good for simple names, this is Life? What is next for us, Almighty God. Wouldn't that be great, to wake up in the morning to a box of Almighty God. Now Almight God with raisons. If you don't like it, you can go to hell." You know, something like that. Great anyways. I found myself a new drink, coke and vanilla vodka. Tastes just like vanilla coke, and I mean just like. Not even a cop would reconize this as alcoholic.

Saturday cleaned for the most part, then got ready to see the play, Merchants of Venice. Good good stuff. Kudos to all involved! Afterward, went to Dixie Cafe, and then took a sleep M-lady home, as I went to the cast party. Good fun, but couldn't get into the mood. Maybe it was me, the food in my big, fat belly, or the house. But came back to a snoring M-lady and went to bed.

Sunday, tried to get around early and failed. Damn turkey wouldn't thaw, so I had to go to Wally World and get a turkey, along with other things. Cleaned more and waiting for people to arrive to our potluck thanksgiving. Slowly, people began trickling in. All the food was great, I mean great. And if anyone that did or did not come want some food, we got loads of it, so come on by!

It doesn't even feel like to me that I am still in college, I really don't. I almost forgot I had class today, and I really wish I didn't tomorrow, but papers might be turned in, and I might have a quiz, which I need to read for tonight. I want it to all go away and never come back.

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