
Saturday, Apr. 27, 2002 | 4:12 P.M.

time, or something like that

yeah, i know, i probably stole it from the movie " Life, Or Something Like It" but i don't care. got the idea to title it this way when msn.com was asking if angelina jolie was more fun as a blonde than her natural deep brunette color. well, angelina with blonde hair looks like marilyn monroe to me and i am sure that most people love that, but i like it when she is a brunette, has still that mystery, yet that bad girl image that can drive ya crazy.

anyways, i guess everyone is busy this weekend. no one has updated, that or i scared everyone off by 1) finally updating and 2) having my update be something that was torn from a tim burton movie....very depressing, almost fatalistic, with hope in the distance, but never fully getting there....yeah, sorry about that guys.

i'm kinda in a phase of my life that sums up what i ended up saying in my last entry...uncertain. not exactly that my future is uncertain, b/c pretty much everyones future is uncertain. no no, not very much like that, but more of a "i don't know what i am doing with my life from day to day, i don't know what is important in my life, i am doing things that in the end do not make me happy" things like that. i guess the basic things of being a "grown-up". that's a funny word, grown-up....seems most if not all of us are seeking that word to describe ourselves from eiter our peers, parents, or passers-by...that we are now grown-up. strange how we seek something that is so obscure to describe and define.

does anyone know what is going on with this term? is there some kind of curse on the campus that makes everyone have times, long extended time, of sadness or just time where we do not see or talk to each other like we did the previous term? or is it just me being lazy as a sloth?

Erin's mom is over here right now...funny how erin cannot to the extreme of saying that i am not even in her presence when she is talking to her family, and now, making it look like that we are not together. it is also funny that i am soo concerned with how people view me, but when it comes to how people see me and erin and the fact that we might be living together, i really don't give a damn what they think. i don't knwo why that is.

hmmmm....i guess that is all i really have to say at this point in time. i feel bad that i haven't updated often or even seen some of you on a more constant basis. i don't mean to avoid, and i will try to reconcile that in the future. but also, you know where my room is and what my number is. and if you don't , it is Martin 418, #5361. i will check you all later. man, i want to party, more inparticular, i want to dance, but not with anyone or anywhere....like in LR, which i could, but i don't want to dance with strangers right now, i want to dance with people i know. yeah, well, that being said, i will go now.

talk to you all later....

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