
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 | 8:55 pm

My Diaryland Trading Card

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 02-21-02
143 entries
Gold Edition

Description: He is short with deep brown eyes and dark hair. Has a good memory, yet cannot remember what he read for class the night before. He collects pikachu's because that is one of his nicknames. Loves music and movies

Strengths: Able to name a song before the words are spoken; knowing the words to most movies, including almost every Jim Carrey movie. Being a somewhat perfectionist. Able to bring people to read his diary with his powerful words(I still don't know how that works).

Weaknesses: Himself, doubt, worry, fear, women, Charisma Carpenter, full lips, curves, getting his head rubbed, being a somewhat perfectionist, his body (doesn't like it). Angel(the tv show), t&a, food.

Special Skills: singing, dancing, massages, finding sexual meaning in everything, his car handling skills, giving great hugs

Weapons: his "magic hands", his ability to calm everyone around him, his smile, his voice, his dancing skills, and his hugs.

My Happy Place: being held, alone listening to music, writing poetry, looking at paintings, watching movies (LOTR works well), open sky with all the stars out, being alone and reflecting.

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