
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2005 | 4:15 P.M.

January 2003

**Sorry for the delay, but my Jan 2003 links finally work now**


JAN 2003


This entry really captures that I am afraid what happens after I graduate. I'm scared...still am a bit.

Anyways, onto today. I do have two job prospects awaiting in the wing. One I met today and have another meeting on Friday with my manager. The other is in the final process of checking up on my references. I think one will pay 22-20K a year and the other 25-28k a year. And I have lots of state jobs that will be coming into play in the coming months, so I don't know what I am going to do. All I know is that I need money, and that means a job right now.

Just to let you all know, I have a ganglion cyst. I went to the hand dr this week and that's what she told me. Then she stuck a needle in my hand to drain the fluid out and put some cortizone in me. It hurt! And now, I have to wear a brace for the next 6 weeks, so much fun there.

Erin's on a business trip right now, so I am alone until she gets back tomorrow evening when I pick her up from the airport.

I am really tired right now, but I think I have only gotten 8-10 hours of sleep the past two days. So, I am definitely getting sleep tonight. Speaking of which, I am wondering what I am going to do tonight...hmmm?

I've been reading one of Dan Brown's books, Angels & Demons, and I am really liking it so far. I've listened to Da Vinci Code, and I loved it. Both have a similar premise. Scholastic guy getting thrown into something over his head with an ancient group going up against the Catholic Church (either he hates the Catholic Church or they are just an easy target). I like the academic guy/professional guy getting into something over his head, but prevailing. Allan Folsom is another author that does that, though he's only written two books. Yay! He's written a third... I need to get that book.

I'm trying to work with yahoo! launch radio because I want to listen to two songs, but damned if I can get them to come up.

I think that is all I can think to say right now. I hope all is well out there. Doesn't seem like anyone updates anymore...don't if they are moving on or what.

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