
Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004 | 9:48 P.M.

hey, I took a day off today

Okay, I took a day off today. It was good, but I shouldn't do it again. Why you ask? I don't want to go back to work now - ever. I just want to be lazy right now and not do jack shit. My back is killing me and it has been since the last of May. That's now two weeks kiddies.

Oh yeah, today is our one month anniversary as husband and wife. Just in case you don't know who she is, it is morgaineldy. This is just what I witnessed. She just wrote this entry, and as I was about to write this entry, she comes bouncing into the room carrying a bowl and a big glass. Now this bowl is filled with ice cream and cookies, while the glass is filled with dr. pepper and ice cream, basically a float. Now, I don't know about you, but when I am having an upset stomach, I tend to stay away from thicking food such as diary; actually, I tend to stay away from food all together, but she's crazy like that. Then she comes in here and I look at her going, "I thought you had an upset stomach?" So she replies, "It better," and begin to laugh like Jack Nicolson as The Joker from Tim Burton's Batman, but you know, like a girl. You know, when he falls from the skyscaper and dies, he has that recording of him laughing over and over and over again...yeah, she kept doing that in her high giggly way. It was about to drill a hole into my head.

And now...she's doing it again....AND BITING ME THIS TIME....

And now, she is dying from laughter. No really, she has choked herself from laughing. It is really quite humorous. I can kill my wife through laughter. Strange, huh.

Speaking of which, I'm Chandler apparently.

I think it is time for my bubble bath that Erin has drawn from me. Does that mean the same, drawing a bath and drawing a bath, or is it spelled differently? The english language is weird.

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