
Monday, Jun. 23, 2003 | 3:56 A.M.


I've just finished it. I've finished HP5 (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). I'm mixed - I know it now, but it is gone; I've finished it.

Also, a word of warning. If you reading at night, like I was, and you get to chapter 30, "Grawp", you will not be able to put the book down. This is basically the last call, or warning sign that you must either finish the book or put it down for the night. The real point of no return is chapter 32, "Out of the Fire". Once this story gets rolling, it is hard to put it down, as you race through to see what happens next. I couldn't stop, and now here I am, just pining for more to read - for something else to loose my mind to, for I have to this book.

Now, if I can only get to sleep.

I say HP6 will come out by Christmas Day, 2004 - anyone taking bets??

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