
Friday, Jun. 20, 2003 | 5:33 P.M.



And if you are wondering, I work for AFLAC.


Since I don't know how to divide things up, I will now add back the entries that I deleted because I was getting fed up with guestbooks talking about it and if I was really obsessed by this, and wondering why I was only getting responses from these trite entries - so I deleted them, but now, after much thinking, I will add them back. Sorry I was being stupid. Can't blame me, though.


Also, what is the deal with people adding me to their buddy list that happen to be under that age of 18 and female? I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but it is just freakin weird. Are more teenage girls signing up for diarys and just ran-damnly pick diaries that look cool and add them to their list? I don't know, it's just weird that I'm getting attention from teenage girls...you know...adding me to their buddy list...and such.

First, a little controversy (not like my life is filled with happiness - my own fault)


Also, what is the deal with people adding me to their buddy list that happen to be under that age of 18 and female? I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but it is just freakin weird. Are more teenage girls signing up for diarys and just ran-damnly pick diaries that look cool and add them to their list? I don't know, it's just weird that I'm getting attention from teenage girls...you know...adding me to their buddy list...and such.


1) your last entry about under 18 teens adding you to they're buddy list was quite insulting even tho you said that it was not a bad thing, because you steriotyped us all to think that we were all just doing it coz you're a guy or the diary looks cool, or whichever other reasons you said, I just think next time you should re-think before you choose to write things like that because it was rather uncalled for, even if it was said innocently, not everyone is like that and it certinly is a put off, so if that was your goal, congratulations.

2) ouch. don't try to cover how you feel about my whole age group. whiny, selfish, self-absorbed and trend-crazy, right? Wondering why you're getting more attention from teenage girls now than you did when you were actually a teenager? You give us a slight glimpse into life after these dreaded high school years. You're mature and intelligent. You have brilliant insights on life. You're not afraid to show yourself. Sorry you're getting a new set of readers, who just happen to be teenage girls. So sue me if its a great diary.

My Responses:

1) Okay, I was not attempting to "put-off" or "insult" anyone when I was writing my last entry. The fact is, I have had a lot of teenage girls add me to their buddy list in the past two months. Of the last twenty people that have added me to their buddy list, you included, about fourteen of those are teenage girls, and if not teenage, under 21 (accounting for that 20th year). So, 70% percent of my new readers are younger than me and are female. From a guy who didn't get alot of attention from girls in high school, this comes to me as a shock to myself.

I did not think I stereotyped anyone, I was just asking a hypothetical question, because I have had some girls whose buddy list is a larger number then their entries (and I am not talking about 60 buddies and 50 entries - more like 30 buddies and 10 entries).

I am just really dumbfounded as to why I am attracting teenage girls to my diary. I thought I was being light-hearted at the end if I was being mean at the first.

And one last thing, this is my diary. I do have the right to say what I want to say, and to re-type something because it might offend someone would stop me from writing in my diary; it wouldn't be a diary anymore. And therefore, it cannot be uncalled for.

I am sorry if it did offend you.

2) Hmmm, insightful note leaving there. Yeah, as you can tell, I am still kinda scarred from high school and the teenage girls. I do have a slight, how should I say, negative view toward teenage girls, not to say that they are all alike, lord knows that isn't true. Just don't like the ones who are snooty, bubbly, "trendy" (yeah, like that could really happen and I would care), and they make me want to slap them, but I digress. Thank you for the compliment on my diary by the way. I don't see myself in a good light (if you couldn't tell), so I don't see the - hey, maybe they are adding me because I am, you know, intelligent, mature, and all those things. I'm not sorry that I have these new readers, I never said I was, just found it odd. Well, I hope that has cleared up some things in the air. I am wondering if I should post these responses I am getting from people about this anti-teenage thing. What do you think? Well, I REALLY need to go to bed. Later.

What do you all think? Was I wrong? Yeah, you're right. I probably was.

Why hate men, you ask? Why not?!? We're not doing anything good for YOU, get a clue. We are only here to fulfill OUR desires, everything else is just a stepping stone. So, next time you see a man, hit him, spit on him, do whatever you want, because like so many of you had said before in many different ways, men are garbage that no one wants to clean up.

But all the same, why do all that? If we are not worth it, why go out of your way to show us this? It is not like we understand you or anything, so why show us so we can understand why you hate us. Just hate us without saying why. Ignore us, hell, multilate and humiliate us if you will. Why should we care - we don't.

And here is something that will really throw you - why read me. I'm a man. Why should you give me the time of day, why should you believe what I say at all - you shouldn't. Nothing I say is the truth; nothing.

So I leave you now, hoping not to return, and praying that you don't either.


Oh boy...I don't where to start. This has been the strangest week of my life dealing with this diary. Let's see where I should begin, I guess to explain parts of my last entry. Why did I talk about hating men. Well, for two reasons.

People on my buddy list were talking about hating men, namely reeks and someone else who I can't remember right now, and have looked for, but cannot find. All I know is they posted before I posted my last diary entry and after the one before that one - so sometime in there. If it was you, please tell me because it is driving me crazy. Anyways, reeks said this which I promptly responded to her in her guestbook with this that I showed to everyone in my diary. Then reeks responded with this entry.

I just saw that I got a guestbook entry about me hating men:

Men! Can't get anything right... ;) Just stumbled across your diary via your banner, and was amused to read about your recent troubles with sensitive teenage girls. I was tempted to add you to my own buddy list, purely for the sake of it, but sadly i'm no longer an under-18... it's the thought that counts though, right? Oh, and i'm taking your advice re hating men: in fact, i'll tell all my //former// guy friends about this brilliant site, so that they can come leave messages of appreciation and gratitude in your guestbook... ;)

If...god this is silly...if I am true and she is true, then all I am saying is maked up fluff (which isn't far from true).

Okay, that is point one, point two is the fact that I made Erin extremely upset that morning and she wasn't talking to me, so I decided to lash out at myself for being a guy and write about why people should hate guys, namely, why you should hate me. When I start talking about hating guys, it had NOTHING to do with the whole teenage girl thing that I have been tackling as of late, as it seems that some of you thought that it might have - don't know, but that is why I got from your guestbook entries.

This teenage girl thing, to me, has gotten out of control. Let's trace these steps shall we? First, I had this entry where I discuss teenage girls and why they are adding me to their buddy list. Then I get two notes from people about this entry, so I decided to post them on this entry for you all to see it. Then, THEN, after this entry, I get some guestbook entries talking about it, which I will post now.

Awww, chadin! Don't let the snobby ones bring you down! I love your diary, it's refreshing, and it reminds me of my Best friend's older brother (who's kinda like my older brother) whos in College at the moment! I didn't think it was insulting at all! Infact I thought it was kinda cool/funny you noticed! If a whole bunch of 20 some year olds started reading my diary, I'd kinda be freaked out too. Keep Smiling! :-D

bravo. for sticking up for you diary. i wasn't offended, even tho i'm 17 and female. your on my buddy list b/c you have insightful views and i love your writing. yay. now i must boost someone else's self-esteem.

I am not a snob, and i read the diary for the same reason you do, I was just a little offended, and I realised that I had nothing to be offended about and so after reading his entry about it, I felt bad and I was the one in the wrong, so I am making a public apology in my diary, it will be named "APOLOGY" and Chadin it is for you, I am sorry, and all of you are welcome to read it too.


I don't know why people are responding this way - it makes my head hurt thinking about it and trying to respond to it. Erin told me to leave it alone, but knowing me, I cannot. I must settle this in order for me to let go. To add, I got mention in two diary entries. These entries are from dazzlinglife and skittlez619 .

It's given me a headache now....

And just now, I got another guestbook entry commenting on the, attention, that I've been getting lately:

while it was pretty amusing to read what your um... groupies said (lol), i just wanted to say, that you don't have to please them. it's your diary. you can say whatever you want. however you want. if read what you wrote and you're happy with it, then really, shame for the groupies... they are just in it for the sex (lol). nah but seriously. be a hedonist. it works :)

I don't know if all this attention is good or what, but, like I said before, JUST WEIRD (at least for me).

But I did do something in honor of this: I made a banner! Go check it out, and I hope you like it.

Okay, christ, where the HELL was I going with this long ass entry?!?!? I need a break to collect myself and figure it out....


Okay, I'm back.

Just in case some people are wondering, I am not mad. I am really not, and I do accept any responses, suggestions, or apologies with sincere gratitude. I know hope that we all can move past this. I don't, if I do, mean to stereotype people into groups. The fact that I was thought of stereotyping from wondering why teenage girls would add me to their list by saying they were just hitting diaries and adding them is not far from being true, because I know it happens, but it doesn't mean that ALL are doing this. If you think I did do this, I am sorry, but if you are mad for being added to this category by me, I'm not for one, and two, don't think you are in this group just because you are a teenager and a girl. Should I think that I am a stereotypical college guy, fuck no.

Well, enough of that. I took a 400 question purity test, and this is my results.

I scored 51�% on the classic 400 Point Purity Test!

Take the test here!

Well, I think this has been the longest damn entry I have ever done. I hope you all will be satisfied with this entry, and I am sure you will be sending me guestbook entries and notes, which I will gladly accept. I'm just going to end this...

But alas, I cannot. Here's one more note ....

I don't think women should hate men! I think that, while they do seem to have an innate ability to appear stupid and sex-crazed, once women can understand that men are what they are and can accept that, relationships become a lot easier and a lot more fun. But, the fact that you're a man and you tell us (women) to hate men makes you unique and applaudable. I applaud you and can't wait to read more. PS: I'm not under the age of 18. *laughs*

So, what's the moral of this story:

Stereotyping teeange girls and hating men (while yourself are a man) will get you much attention.


I'm not going to fix the links yet, but you can see them and paste them if you want to. Well, now it is time to get drunk and forget I have a job that can get me 40,000 dollars in one year - I'm aiming high!

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