
Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003 | 2:14 P.M.

Leave them wanting more

I really don't know what kind of entry this will be, exept short - or so I am told by Erin it should be.

I really don't know why I do not want to write in my diary anymore. I don't know. I just don't have the drive or, I don't know, thrill, of writing here anymore. Don't know if I am moving on, trying to figure out what I should write, should my writing change since I am out of school and do not have to write about papers, and classes, and teachers (whoot whoot for that), I really just don't know.

I know last year around this time, I had much to say. I have been also thinking about opening another diary, but having it locked for me to write about anything and everything that comes up in my head, which I might, and might let people read it (possibly just strangers) since most of what I will say will be fantasy, dreams, or just crap that flies out of my head.

Maybe when my body calms done from being out of school and moving into the world, maybe then I will want to write, but as of right now, my brain is closed for the summer.

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