
Monday, Mar. 10, 2003 | 6:04 P.M.

I'm a writin' fool

Wow, like three entries in a 24-hour period. I haven't done this since I started this thing. This won't be a long entry, like the last one. I just wanted to say some things I have seen and heard lately.

All I can really say about Saturday is there was a definite "lesbian" vibe going on. That's all I'm saying.

Today, in choir, we had Maestro Itkin come back. He was working with the girls on words, when he said this: "No no, the word is zin, not sin; it looks like sin, but it's not." I was laughing or trying to hold in laughter when I heard this. I'm thinking to myself, "No no dear, it wasn't a sin, it was a zin." I think that's my new motto. That's all really. I'm done with papers and exams for a while!!! YAY!

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