
Sunday, Oct. 13, 2002 | 4:29 P.M.

wanting help

I am thinking to think of areas to add to my diary. one of them is to expand on my details section. I don't have much up right now, mostly because I don't know what to put on there. If you have some ideas of what you have on your bio page or areas that you are curious to know about me, then let me know. I just don't know what to put up there right now.

I often wonder if I rely on what people think, say, do, feel about me too much. I do rely on what people might say about me run my life? Could it be that I do not just trust my own feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts? I know I want people to respect me, trust me, aim to be my friend, but at what cost do I do it at?

I want to be accepted, I do know that, but by whom? I guess everyone for the most part. I want to be a person people come to for advice, fun, a laugh, or when they just need someone to listen.

I do know that I think way too much. I tend to analize situations to an extreme, but at the same time, I am very lazy. I guess on my quiz page, where it says I am passionate, that pretty much describes me.

I don't know where this is going. I think my bed, pillow, cover, or actually M-lady is talking to me under them all. I better to exercise the demons from my room or I'll never get any sleep.

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