
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 | 1:11 A.M.

locks of steal

so we got locked out of our apartment tonight. it was great fun let me tell you. it took the locksmith an hour to finally get the door open. we have a superman lock on our door.

i can see that this will not be a long entry, but i am sure all of you are glad. i have another review up in my reviews area. it rocks!

sometime soon, i am going to put up a info page, quizes page, and maybe another page.

i sang tonight for chamber chorale. it was fun stuff. i was wearing a tux.

i think there were some funny things said and done today by M-lady and me, but i forgot.

I am truly passionate.

Find your soul type at kelly.moranweb.com.

You're excited about life and in touch with yourself and nature. Tell me, do I have this straight?

Virtues: You appreciate humor like none other. Puns might even spark laughter in you (TEHY R FUNNI). You seek adventure and connection with your surroundings. You seek friends who will not only share laughs with you but actually form a deep bond of trust and empathy beneath the surface. You look for adventure and courage in people, and variation is necessary to keep you under control. You see yourself as multi-faceted, so you need people who can see you in your many lights. You're constantly trying to figure yourself out while analyzing the people around you. Silly, silly people.

Aspirations: You can't decide what you want to be yet, but you know you want it to be adventures and interesting, with constant changes. You don't know what love will do for you yet, but it's competing with adventure for a place in your heart. An internal conflict has begun: can you be a successful worker, lover, and parent all at once?

Quirks: Noise of any sort is irritating when you're in the mood. Smacking gum, loud chewing, humming- it's about as pleasing as bodily noises. You dislike emaciated people because of jealousy and just plain disgust. You're a procrastinator but a hard worker, too.

Factors: You need constant attention and support. You're high-maintnence, but a great, reliable friend. Nature needs you and you need nature; it's helped thus far, so keep in touch with the outside world.

Future: Who knows! You absolutely need constant change, so vacationing is surely in the cards. Will you settle down or not? Love will find you eventually, as it does to everyone. Will you choose the sweet home life or the rewarding busy-bee life?

this entry kinda sucks, but you know what, having two or three very insightful entries, i am allowed a couple of shit ones aren't I? yes i am!

i guess it is finally time to go back to class. night all.

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