
Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 | 4:54 P.M.

finally, the trip home

well, it looks like i will actually get to go home today. i was thinking we would leave yesterday, but she didn't want to. so today it is, and it has to be today b/c i still need to get my scheduling set up. i always wait till the last minute, but it will get done.

man, it has been a long time since i have stayed at home for a period longer than 3 days. let's see how long it has been......we left conway aug. 16 for plano to get back aug. 22. we left aug. 9 or 10 for harrison and came back aug. 15. left for plano july 16 and came back to conway july 25. went to harrison july 26-27 and came back aug. 1 i think. ok, so i lied, i've been home for a week at one point. so to recap.....

July 16-25 in Plano; July 27-August 2 in Harrison; August 10 - August 15 in Harrison; August 16 - August 22 in Plano. That means, since I have left to leave for Plano on July 16, I have only been home 8-9 full days in the past 37 days. Man, my bill for electiricity, gas, water, and heating and all that is going to be shit low!

So, now with the return home, i am seeing permanent stay. The next time, at least I think, that we will go anywhere is during fall break, and that's not until Oct. But when we do return home, it isn't going to be just sitting around and relaxing. We gotta get her room set up which will take a day. i gotta get my schedule set up, which will be tomorrow, and then in this time frame, either find or make a party so i can get blisted (i've been trying to find new words for getting drunk and having sex....i like blisted). and then trotting off to the first day of my last year in college. won't that be swell. I'll be sure and take lots of pics on the glorious occasion.

finally, making the trip home and being able to call it home. feels good. and i hope all of you that read this will come by plenty of times during the year to break in the place with fun, games, movies, and of course, booze and sex....gotta have booze and sex.

oh, i almost forgot...i feel like this sometimes...espically when i was single

jealous boy

have fun everyone with the upcoming school year!

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