
Friday, Jul. 19, 2002 | 2:06 A.M.

hyped-up nothings

I'm just sitting here in Plano, TX deleting mail that i haven't check.

*Bless me*

I just sneezed.

well, i'm feeling kinda....well, stomach is having a fight with itself. let's see where it began.

Smoked for the first time in a while. what have i missed...not. the police showing up at the park didn't help the situation, asking us (me, erin, lindsay, and JJ) why we were at the part past curfew, which none of us knew exsisted. didn't or couldn't go to sleep until 6:30. woke up at 11:30.

went out that day, ate, shopped at two malls and came back to get ready for the party that night. got some beer, made punch and jell-o jigglers. i had my own stash. people started showing up and i started drinking. i think, emphasis on think, i had 8-9 malt liquors, a cup of punch, and maybe 3-5 jello jigglers. so needless to say, i was pleasant. and i smoked some cigs. so when i woke up this morning after sleeping 8 hours, i wasn't feeling too great. it was more than a hangover, had those, delt with it.... i just felt sick. stomach wasn't happy with anything.

called work telling them i wasn't feeling well, felt like shit telling them and felt like shit when she hung up. i felt like i was going to get fired when i return. ate a bit, then slept for like 4-6 hours. got up and at a little again. erin's dad came home (a day earlier than everyone expected) and seemed okay with a keg and things being a bit messy, but most is finished.

stayed in with erin, ordered pizza (ate too much), and watched robin williams live on broadway. funny as shit!

so, here i am now. had discussion with erin in the spa about stuff and what are are weaknesses and desires to overcome those weaknesses.

well, i am sure all of you that will read this will have many questions to ask me, and i hope that i will feel better either tomorrow morning or afternoon. don't know when i am coming back, and i don't know if i will be able to make it to luil's party, which i feel terrible about. soo, there you go. feel free to soak it all in.

the road may seem smooth

but if you look at it more closely

you begin to see that there are many

many bumps along the way

some you feel, some you don't

but they all affect you

and they affect the people you know

what you must decide is

what kind of tires will work the best

with your new SUV that you just bought.

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