
Tuesday, Jun. 04, 2002 | 1:47 P.M.

quiz time!

Johnny *Sigh* I think I'm in love. You're perfect - considerate, confident and caring. (Not to mention very sexy)

You're just like me - a believer of the good in all situations! :)

Which Izzard Are You?

Butch Izzard: More likely to wear a leather jacket than a summer frock, you look at things from a more rambunctious and bronzey kind of way. That doesn't mean that you won't sweet-talk someone, it just means you'll find a better innuendo with which to do it. You'd love to have a cup of coffee.

Drink me!

Which drink are you?

You're Caramilk!
Just stuffed full of surprises. No one ever knows what you're going to do next. The greatest mystery to you is, naturally, "how do they get the caramel in the Caramilk bars?"

I am...

I'm Billy Boyd!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?


Doomed to be Tom Bombadil!

Once again you've been left out of the fame and fortune, and no nifty

action figure for you! Too bad even though your part seems small and

out of place with the rest of the storyline your character adds a spiritual

and mystical element not seen in other characters. When the revolution

comes we'll be right behind you brother!


other character of FOTR are you doomed to be?


to you by


so i took some quizzes and there is nothing else to talk about...need to clean, if you want to help, come on by!

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