
Sunday, Mar. 03, 2002 | 2:23 A.M.


I'm confused.....

in many ways

What did she mean by what she said?

made a list, backing out, moving on and starting a new life?

what does that mean exactly???

then I am confused about what to do?

should I act now, later, when??

so many things to consider that I do not want to. I want to go with my gut, but that has gotten me in trouble.

Guys aren't the only ones who don't think before they act.

I don't feel well right now. I think i am going to get an ear infection. I woke up this morning after sleeping for 2 hours and I couldn't swallow. My throat was killing me! Now it has moved toward my ears, but is still at my throat. I don't want to get sick now, not now, not after I've missed class because of what was happening and that I didn't want to face the world...


one week left of school....then finals....then spring break. I wonder what I am going to do on my spring break? would like to go somewhere, but where and with anyone? or meet someone at a place? who knows...

This will work out, if I just keep telling myself that, it will come true.

Things will work out, things will work out, things will work out......

guess I'll go to bed to see if they do.

night all....

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