
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2002 | 10:06 P.M.

dipsy dipsy do part duex

Dipsy Dipsy Do

The world is but a shoe

When it is right, we are fine

When it is tight, we are in decline.

So when we are down

Do not frown, but say

Dipsy Dipsy Do.

How we love something shiny and new

We show everyone and everything

How are shiny object sparkles and blings

But when it become old and worn

We start to cry and morn

Wipe that dry eye, for the day is not through

When you are down, here�s what you do

You stick your head high, till it reaches the sky

Start humming a tune, and you will be happy soon.

Walk with a hop in your step,

People will see that you have much pep.

And when someone passes by

To say a friendly hi

You say to them with a smile on your face

�Howdy Do to you

Dipsy Dipsy Do

The world is but a shoe

Dipsy Dipsy Do�

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