
Thursday, May. 06, 2004 | 2:59 P.M.

I am here....probably shouldn't be

I know that I probably shouldn't be writing an entry when I am about to get married, but the hotel as interent access, so I will do it anyway.

This probably won't be a long entry, but just letting you know that I am here.

This whole week has been weird for me. Nothing has seemed real or concrete, just kinda misty and foggy.

Also, my mind is not completely here anymore. I'm just kinda being told where to go, answer some questions, getting things finalized - but besides that, I mean it doesn't feel like I am about to get married, but I don't know if anyone during or before the time know fully that they are about to get married.

Marriage is such a life changing event, that it doesn't seem so. People do it all the time, so it seems common place enough, but when you experience it, it feels that much more...I don't know...weighty.

I think I should go now. I'm kinda waiting on my parents to show up right now. Too many things on my mind right now...I don't know where to begin.

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