
Tuesday, May. 28, 2002 | 11:51 P.M.

wasting time away

yep, playing with the kitties and discussing the parables of the bible and of fictional truths just to delay myself from writing a paper that has 4 full pages written of a 6-7 page paper, but those 4 pages only constitute one body paragraph, so you know that i am writing a bunch of fluff and crap and will need some serious trimming down tomorrow if i hope to turn in my paper before 2pm wednesday.

lovely isn't it?

yeah, so, i still need to read a play for this paper so it looks like i am going to be up late tonight and up early in the morning getting this paper done. damn damn damn.

we spend much of our lives planning, sometime into much detail, what we will be doing in the days to come. we know when we will be doing something, how we will be doing it, and when the latest time can be done to complete it. but time, much like money spent with credit cards, goes by quickly that we cannot even fathom the rate. all we do is look at a paper and go, when did i do that or why did i do that and i was supposed to do this and that, then just end up bitching at ourselves about how much time ( and sometimes money) we had to do such a simple project, and how we like something that we take much to granted go away so quickly that all we can do is try to muster enough energy and resources together to just complete the damn thing without either hurting ourselves or hurting something else (animate or inanimate). well, such the dilemna of a college student. so much time on hands, "i can do it later", we say so gingerly and without haste. then time goes away like a long lost friend never to be seen or heard from again. we wonder how this happened, and wonder what could have been done to prevent it at the same time we are trying to figure out how to fix it. why do we put ourselves through such shit? i am seriously, we can do our work and get it out of the way with plenty of time for fun and leisure, but do we, no. we find it much more invigorating to waste our time away until we have to take a handle ful of vivran just to keep our eyes open enough to realize what we are actually reading. then trot off or should i say sloth our way to take an exam we can't even remember what the topic is about, let alone have enough mental capacity to spell our own names. and for what, a night spent that we can't even remember?

i know i am just ranting right now and doing a very good job of not writing my paper right now, but i am looking at this or trying to on a bright note: i think that i have written a very well versed passage, don't you think?

well, i guess it is back or just starting back to the grind of remedial knowledge of what i am reading and typing. wish me luck and how you can cheer me up enough that i do actually wnat to leave the apartment again and face the "real world".

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